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Think about it...what are America's two most favorite pastimes? You've got it! The Stock Market and Sports. It is hard to compete with the thrill and excitement of today's professional sports teams and players. Yet many maintain that it is the Stock Market that is truly America's favorite pastime with over 50% of the nation's households owning stocks. The markets have been called everything from the great humiliator to the greatest game on earth.

Just like the rest of the sports world there are amateurs and there are professionals. It is the professionals that make the big money. Those amateurs that can break into the professional world find it to be a crazy place with few rules and little or no guidance. The onset of the Internet has turned the world of trading upside down. Sure the truly professional traders may have an edge or two but their monopolistic hold over how and when to make money in the stock market is gone for good.

Today's investor has just as many tools and resources as professionals did just a few years ago. Yet the world of trading is just as wild and exciting as it has ever been. Everyday people are learning what it takes to beat the Street on a consistent basis. That is where BigPlayStocks.com comes into play.

We're here to help. It is our goal to provide the absolute best possible service educating investors on the principles that guide our own trading and investing. But why the name BigPlayStocks? Because we are every bit the sports fan. We think the stock market is the greatest game going but still enjoy following all of our favorites whether it is the Green Bay Packers, the Atlanta Braves, or the Colorado Avalanche.

Those aren't your favorite teams? That's okay...maybe your favorite team is Cisco Systems (CSCO) or MicroSoft (MSFT) or Texas Instruments (TXN). Everyone has got their favorites but what makes the stock market so special is that not everyone can be a Michael Jordan or a John Elway but we all have a chance to score in the markets. Other sports get-togethers will tell you to pick a chair, grab a beer and watch the game.

Not us - we want you to pick a team, grab your gear, and let's go play!

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